How to Engage with the Social Media users ?

Importance of social media marketing :

Any business organization works according to the needs and likes of the people. Leaving behind the traditional advertising mediums like television, radio and other print media, social media services like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have occupied our day to day business life. For this reason all the business organizations are coming up with new techniques to make at most use of these platforms. Hence the reason why Social media marketing has come in to lime light. Social media marketing is a part of digital marketing, which uses social media platforms to grab the attention of the users for promoting the product to a maximum extent.

what the survey says ?

According to latest statistics there are 4.2 billion active internet users and 3.4 billion social media users around the world. It is estimated that in India alone there are nearly 250 million social media users. So it has become necessity for every organization to adopt different social media techniques or tools for maintaining track records of their users as well as to increase their brand value in the business field.

Why to engage the users ?

A simple like, share or retweet of yours can boost the other side user. Similarly to boost up the business, every organization needs feedback from the users to stay up to date in the competition. This is possible only when you have active users, who stick with your product. The number of users decide your product strength further laying foundation for your successful business. Engaging with the users also make sure of strong relationship that leads to an increase in your profits.

How to engage the users ?

Each social media platform have their own share of engaging the users in terms of likes, shares, comments, following etc. A like shows your interest, a share expresses your concern, a comment shows your intensity and follow ensures your relationship. All these are related to your emotion, which later converts in to trust. This is what every business organization wants, The trust from the customers.

There are various ways to get the trust of your users

Ask them :
It is the best way to engage the users, trying to know their opinions while appreciating their advise ensures great relationship between you and your customer.
Include images :
If you have to express your thoughts more attractively with less content in quick time, this is the best way to go. According to a survey this type of conversation raises more curiosity.
Use GIFs and emojis :
Gifs and emojis always bring a smile on our face. These are very much effective in Facebook and Twitter platforms where lot of people use it as the best way to thank.
Creating videos :
Communicating with short videos brings liveliness in your conversation. Recent survey says that the twitter video replies are showing great impact on the conversations.
Use social media engagement tool :
This is the best way any one could recommend for engaging the users. By using this tool you can respond to every comment from a single place. There are many engagement tools like Facebook updated inbox, TweetDek, Hootsuite which brings all your conversations of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in to a single inbox.
In additions to these, there are many other tools that could assure you about less time consuming and more effective conversation. Just follow above tips and make your own type of conversations with much clarity, more fun and authenticity.


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